Dear Festival friends and supporters: 2023 was a mighty season! We produced four full shows, including an acclaimed world premiere, and welcomed over 10,000 patrons to the Dorset Playhouse. While we unfortunately had to end the season a week early due to illness, we still had one of the best box office years in Festival history!

BUT, we are not immune to the unprecedented challenges facing the American Theatre (those headlines aren’t lying!). We are up against increased costs, changing audiences, and the end of pandemic relief funding. Despite this year’s impressive ticket sales, an increase in annual contributions is essential to sustaining the Festival, and ensuring we can continue to make meaningful theater for our community.

Dorset Theatre Festival produces work that allows us to put down our phones, be amongst our neighbors, and, perhaps, see the world through someone else's eyes. It was inspiring to see the Playhouse packed with community members taking pride in the work produced on our stage this year. Your donation today will help us reach our goal and continue Dorset’s legacy of professional excellence in Southern Vermont.

Thank you for being part of our family.

Donate by phone
(802) 867-2223

Donate by mail
PO Box 510
Dorset, VT 05251

Click HERE to read Dorset Theatre Festival’s NEW appeal letter.

Click HERE to celebrate the 2024 DONORS who helped us continue making THEATRE THAT MATTERS in southern Vermont.


  • The World Premiere Circle A transformative, multi-year gift. World Premiere Circle members believe in the Festival’s mission as a way to make our community stronger and understand the impact the Festival has on artists and new plays as they enter the American theater. (MULTI-YEAR PLEDGE)

    • CLICK HERE to download PDF information about Dorset’s World Premiere Circle.

  • PLANNED GIVING By making a bequest to the Dorset Theatre Festival in your will or trust, or by designating Dorset Theatre Festival as a beneficiary of your retirement account or insurance policy, you can ensure that the Festival will continue to produce great theatre and make a lasting impact through our acclaimed new play development programs and community initiatives. The Festival welcomes estate gifts of any size, and there may be tax advantages associated with your gift. Please contact Ryan Koss, Managing Creative Director, for additional information.